Top "Dto" questions

DTO is an acronym for Data Transfer Object, a design pattern used in data transfer.

Data Transfer Object DTO Where to build

Trying to refactor some code. I see some classes creating DTO objects which are being passes in the service layer …

java spring spring-mvc dto
DTO Pattern + Lazy Loading + Entity Framework + ASP.Net MVC + Auto Mapper

Firstly, Sorry For lengthy question but I have to give some underlying information. We are creating an Application which uses … entity-framework lazy-loading automapper dto
DTO mapping and updating to a Database with Java, Dozer and Hibernate

I'm using Dozer to map Hibernate entities to their DTOs. A simplified example class is the following: @Entity public class …

java hibernate dto dozer
Which layer should be used for conversion to DTO from Domain Object

We are creating rest api's with Spring Boot. We have three layers in our project(Repository, Service and Controller). Lets …

layer dto spring-restcontroller
The DTO should not know the enum inside the business object

I have an enum in my business object defined. This enum is although defined in the data transfer object. The …

c# dto data-transfer-objects
DTO classes vs. struct

So, this is actually this question is my current keystone. I'm working on refactoring of my personal project, trying increase …

c# struct dto n-tier-architecture
NodeJS map Dtos to TypeORM Entities

I have a nodejs REST API backend running the nestjs framework, using typeORM as ORM for my entities. Coming from …

node.js dto nestjs typeorm class-transformer
Using Automapper, mapping DTOs back to Entity Framework including referenced entities

I've got POCO domain entities that are persisted using Entity Framework 5. They are obtained from the DbContext using a repository …

entity-framework automapper dto navigation-properties
DTO Generator for EF 4 Entity model

Is it possible to write t4 template ( or if it already exists ) which will be able to generate DTO classes …

c# visual-studio code-generation t4 dto
Interfaces for DTOs

I am currently at the beginning of developing a large web application mainly containing an Angular SPA and an OData …

c# interface dto