Top "Drop-down-menu" questions

A GUI element, similar to a combobox and a list box, which allows the user to choose one value from a list.

Databind ASP.NET List of ListItem to DropDownList issue

I've just come across this bizarre thing that I was expecting to work in a different (logical) way, but it … data-binding list drop-down-menu listitem
Html.EnumDropdownListFor: Showing a default text

In my view I have a enumdropdownlist (a new feature in Asp.Net MVC 5.1). @Html.EnumDropDownListFor(m => m.SelectedLicense,…

c# drop-down-menu
ASP.NET MVC 2 - Html.DropDownListFor confusion with ViewModel

I'm getting totally lost and confused on how to use the new strongly typed Html.DropDownListFor helper on ASP.NET … drop-down-menu viewmodel html-helper
Multi selection spinner in android without AlertDialog

i want the same as this link first spinner . multi selection spinner in android with checkbox .…

android drop-down-menu android-listview spinner android-spinner
What are the asp:DropDownList client side events?

I want to know the client side events (like onChange) for an asp:DropDownList. events drop-down-menu client-side
How to use keyboard to drop-down a menu in an excel cell?

I have a drop-down menu created in an excel cell. Everytime I want to enter a value in that cell, …

excel drop-down-menu cell
ASP.NET DropDownList not retaining selected item on postback

I have an ASP DropDownList that gets populated on the Page_Load event, after i select an item and hit … drop-down-menu postback selection
Populating ASP.NET MVC DropDownList

OK, I've been Googling for hours and trying everything and can't get anything to work. I am learning MVC using … drop-down-menu
Dropdown with a form inside with twitter-bootstrap

I have a Dropdown in my TopBar, built with the Twitter Bootstrap CSS framework. I have 3 problems with it that …

html css twitter-bootstrap drop-down-menu
ListItems attributes in a DropDownList are lost on postback?

A coworker showed me this: He has a DropDownList and a button on a web page. Here's the code behind: … drop-down-menu postback behavior listitem