Top "Dotpeek" questions

dotPeek is a .NET decompiler from JetBrains, the makers of a wide array of developer productivity tools: ReSharper, dotTrace, and dotCover for .NET developers.

Software like DotPeek to decompile and edit DLL's?

Sorry for this newbie question, but after 3 hours of banging my head on a wall I just got DotPeek and …

.net decompiling dotpeek
Opening a .dll file with dotPeek

I have a question about .dll files. To open .dll files i tried the programm "dotpeek". Starting the programm, I …

.net dll dotpeek
Understanding compiler-generated type in dotPeek decompiled code

Hei. I was reading Digi Traffic Accelerator's decompiled source (I think it is the best way to learn), until I …

c# decompiler dotpeek compiler-generated
Decompiling a .NET Framework v4.5 executable "not .NET assembly file" in dotPeek but executable runs fine

A client has burned bridges with their previous dev and I'm trying to extract source code from what's left of …

c# .net decompiling ilspy dotpeek
Dotpeek recompile decompiled files

How i can recompile my edited codes Or replace it with original files and save it as exe in dotpeek ? …

.net-reflector dotpeek
Use dotPeek from within Visual Studio without ReSharper

dotPeek is a free .NET decompiler. While being a standalone tool, it is also part of ReSharper: If you tell …

.net visual-studio resharper decompiling dotpeek