Top "Dotnet-cli" questions

For use of questions about the .NET Core command line tool-chain.

dotnet is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet

We have downloaded and run DotNetCore.1.0.1-SDK.1.0.0.Preview2-003133-x64.exe. After having closed and reopened our command prompt, running …

windows dotnet-cli .net-core
The library hostpolicy.dll was not found

I have a simple .NET Core project (console app) that I'm trying to compile and run. dotnet build succeeds, but …

.net .net-core dotnet-cli
dotnet publish doesn´t publish correct appsettings.{env.EnvironmentName}.json

When I issue the following command in the command line: dotnet publish -o "./../output" -c Release The dotnetcli publishes the … .net-core publish dotnet-cli
dotnet run OR dotnet watch with development environment from command line?

I am using dotnet watch command to run core project. However, by default, it is picking up the … .net-core dotnet-cli .net-core-rc2
How to generate controller using dotnetcore command line

In Ruby on Rails, you can generate controllers using something like the following in command line: rails generate controller ControllerName …

c# .net-core dotnet-cli
Is .NET Core ready to run on Raspberry PI 3?

I can find a lot of obsolete threads but a lot have been changed the last months. Is there currently …

.net raspbian .net-core dotnet-cli
dotnet publish command is not creating zip file package for core web application project

I am trying to create a web deployment package for core web application. When I tried to publish …

msbuild .net-core visual-studio-2017 dotnet-cli
how to add a new c# file to a project using dotnet-cli

I'm learning how to use dotnet-cli with VSCode. I've seen many commands on how to create solution, projects, add reference …

c# visual-studio-code dotnet-cli
Enum Description attribute in dotnet core

Do we have Description attribute for Enums in dot net CLI? (Dot Net Core RC2) If not, any alternative?

.net .net-core .net-core-rc2 dotnet-cli