The Doctrine Project is a collection of open source libraries and tools for dealing with database abstraction and Object-Relational Mapping written in PHP.
I need to check if a persisted entity has changed and needs to be updated on the database. What I …
php doctrine doctrine-ormI'm trying to pre-populate a database with some User objects, but when I call $user->setPassword('some-password'); and then …
php doctrine symfony fosuserbundleI'm using the following code in the query builder, to select an average of score values, and the category entity …
doctrine-orm doctrine doctrine-queryI am trying to execute a query using doctrine2 and need it to return a collection object. Simplified snippet: $players = $…
doctrine doctrine-ormI want to generate a unique ticket ID for my tickets. But how to let doctrine generate a unique id? /** * @…
symfony doctrineI'd like to use, something like: $em = $this->getEntityManager(); Inside a Entity. I understand I should do this as …
symfony doctrineI'm attempting to build a query in Doctrine 2 that finds all Vacancy entities which are related to any of the …
php symfony orm doctrine-orm doctrinewhen i am using the symfony2 shell and trying to run doctrine:generate:entities [MyBundle] --path='src' or doctrine:generate:…
doctrine symfony entitiesI have a 'department' and 'newsItem', which are related m:n. Whenever I try to enumerate over a department's newsItems, …
php symfony1 doctrine