The doctest module searches for pieces of text that look like interactive Python sessions, and then executes those sessions to verify that they work exactly as shown.
Given the following python script: # import re def dedupe_whitespace(s,spacechars='\t '): """Merge repeated whitespace …
python string special-characters quotes doctestI'm trying to get started with unit testing in Python and I was wondering if someone could explain the advantages …
python unit-testing comparison doctestIs it possible to use Python's doctest concept for classes, not just functions? If so, where shall I put the …
python unit-testing doctestDoes PyCharm 2.7 (or will PyCharm 3) have support for custom docstring and doctest stubs? If so, how does one go about …
python pycharm docstring doctest sphinx-napoleonI am writing a short tutorial, and would like to be able to run the examples therein using python's doctest …
python doctestIn the PyCharm IDE, if I right-click on a function/method with a doctest, sometimes the right-click menu will give …
python intellij-idea pycharm doctestI'd like to write a doctest like this: """ >>> print a.string() foo : a bar : b date : <…
python doctestWhen writing python doctests, how does one properly introduce newline characters within a string in the test? Here's a simple …
python doctestI've got a Python module with docstrings in class methods, and a real-world example in the module docstring. The distinction …
python doctest