Top "Dockerfile" questions

A Dockerfile is a file containing instructions to build a Docker image

Error running docker container: starting container process caused "exec: \"python\": executable file not found in $PATH": unknown

I am trying to dockerize a simple Python-Flask application but I am getting an error while running my container. docker: …

docker flask docker-compose dockerfile docker-image
Mongorestore in a Dockerfile

I want to create a Docker image that starts a mongo server and automatically restores from a previous mongodump on …

mongodb docker dockerfile mongorestore
docker swarm - how to balance already running containers in a swarm cluster?

I have docker swarm cluster with 2 nodes on AWS. I stopped the both instances and initially started swarm manager and …

docker docker-compose dockerfile docker-swarm docker-container
How to access the Host's machine's localhost from docker container

I hosted Git daemon on local host i.e. '/usr/bin/git daemon --listen= --base-path=/opt' as a systemd …

docker docker-compose dockerfile git-daemon
Docker build command with --tag unable to tag images

I have trying to build a Docker image using a Dockerfile available locally. docker build -t newimage . I have used …

docker dockerfile docker-build
Docker how to start container with defined nameservers in /etc/resolv.conf

Here is my Dockerfile FROM javamachine_0.1.2 MAINTAINER Meiram RUN /report/ start ENV LANG C.UTF-8 ENV LANGUAGE C.…

linux docker dockerfile nameservers
How are intermediate containers formed?

I would like to understand the execution steps involved in building Docker Images using Dockerfile. Couple of questions I have …

docker dockerfile docker-container
How to pass Java options/variables to Springboot app in docker run command

I have a Spring Boot application which uses profiles to configure in different environments. I want to pass this profile …

java spring-boot docker dockerfile docker-entrypoint
getting error /bin/sh: 1: source: not found

I am trying to build docker and installing nvm some code line RUN curl…

node.js ubuntu docker dockerfile nvm
Docker container save logs on the host directory

I have a question similar to this one. When run my docker-compose.yml file, I automatically create a docker image …

docker docker-compose containers dockerfile docker-container