Top "Dockerfile" questions

A Dockerfile is a file containing instructions to build a Docker image

Pass host environment variables to dockerfile

How can I pass a host environment variable (like user and hostname) to a dockerfile? For example, if my username …

docker environment-variables dockerfile centos7
How to check whether python package is installed or not in Docker?

I used Dockerfile successfully built a container. However, my code doesn't work in the container. It does work if I …

python docker zeromq pyzmq dockerfile
Using Vault with docker-compose file

Currently I am using docker-compose file to setup my dev/prod environments. I am using environment variables to store secrets, …

docker docker-compose dockerfile hashicorp-vault
Docker-compose: deploying service in multiple hosts

I have a docker-compose file that deploys 8 different docker services in the same host. Is it possible to deploy it …

docker docker-compose dockerfile docker-swarm
Does a RHEL7 docker container need subscription?

I have a rhel7 host with docker in it. I have build a image with also rhel7 as base image. …

docker dockerfile rhel7 docker-container docker-image
Create a docker image/container from EC2 AMI

I am very new to docker and am trying to import my AWS EC2 AMI into a docker image. The …

docker dockerfile dockerhub docker-registry
Pull docker images from a private repository during docker build?

Is there any way of pulling images from a private registry during a docker build instead of docker hub? I …

docker dockerfile docker-registry docker-trusted-registry
Xvfb & Docker - cannot open display

I need to run XVFB and docker with firefox but can't get them to work together Here is my Dockerfile : …

firefox docker dockerfile xvfb
Install R packages using docker file

I have installed R using below line in my docker file. Please suggest how do I specify now packages to …

r docker dockerfile yum install.packages
Wordpress Docker won't increase upload limit

I am trying to increate the upload limit of my Dockerized Wordpress instance to 150M. [filename] exceeds the maximum upload …

wordpress docker wordpress-theming docker-compose dockerfile