How to run a pulled images - docker

Bella picture Bella · Jun 2, 2019 · Viewed 16.3k times · Source

I'm trying to run a pulled image without any success. I pulled an image from AWS using the Image URI.

when I run docker images I can see my pulled image:

REPOSITORY                                           TAG             IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
alpine                                               3.9             055936d39205        3 weeks ago         5.53MB    dab-1.1.0slim   f994713b61cb        3 weeks ago         110MB
ubuntu                                               16.04           a3551444fc85        5 weeks ago         119MB
anapsix/alpine-java                                  8               745575fbfe52        3 months ago        126MB

I'm new at dockers, but from what I understand after pulling no need to build it, just run it but when I tried to run it like so: docker run I get the below message:

Unable to find image '' locally
docker: Error response from daemon: pull access denied for, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login'.

So I tried to build it like so: docker build -t and got the message:

"docker build" requires exactly 1 argument.
See 'docker build --help'.

What is the problem? How can I run a pulled image from AWS?


Sree picture Sree · Jun 2, 2019

There isnt any image with tag "latest" Try running using the tag "dab-1.1.0slim"

docker run

Or else you could run the docker image using image id

docker run -i -t f994713b61cb

for more info on docker run command check out