I have this Dockerfile:
FROM 939fj39f3932.dkr.ecr.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/teros_keys:8e31674
COPY app.sh .
ENTRYPOINT ["exec", "/zoom/app.sh"]
CMD []
I build it and it works fine. Then I run it with:
docker run --rm -d \
-e "db_prefix=$db_prefix" \
--name "$n" "$full_name"
and I get this error:
docker: Error response from daemon: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:345: starting container process caused "exec: \"exec\": executable file not found in $PATH": unknown.
anyone know what's up with that?
I changed it to:
ENTRYPOINT ["bash", "/zoom/app.sh"]
and it worked, dunno why tho