How to set proxy settings (http_proxy variables) for kubernetes (v1.11.2) cluster?

Meta-Coder picture Meta-Coder · Nov 6, 2018 · Viewed 13.7k times · Source

I have setup a Kubernetes cluster which somehow cannot have internet connectivity because of organizaion policies. Now there are some services which I need to communicate via internet. To resolve this I have setup a forward proxy (Squid) which is outside of K8s cluster. All the nodes of my K8s cluster can access "" using forward proxy. But I am not able to make my pods communicate through that proxy.

I have setup following variable on all the master and worker nodes:

export http_proxy="http://10.x.x.x:3128"
export https_proxy="https://10.x.x.x:3128"

I am able to curl from master and worker nodes. But when I attach into my container I notice that there are no variable http_proxy and https_proxy. and it cannot perform successful curl.

My pods and service network is different than my VM network


and my VM network is like:

Master  ->
Worker1 ->
Worker2 ->
Worker3 ->

And my forward proxy is running at

Forward Proxy:

I am using kubernetes version v1.11.2. Any help here like where should I put my http_proxy setting for kubernetes cluster to make it effective for all pods and services?


Nick_Kh picture Nick_Kh · Nov 8, 2018

You can add http_proxy setting to your Docker machine in order to forward packets from the nested Pod container through the target proxy server.

For Ubuntu based operating system:

Add export http_proxy='http://<host>:<port>' record to the file /etc/default/docker

For Centos based operating system:

Add export http_proxy='http://<host>:<port>' record to the file /etc/sysconfig/docker

Afterwards restart Docker service.