Top "Dmz" questions

DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) is a physical or logical subnetwork that contains and exposes an organization's external-facing services to a larger and untrusted network, usually the Internet.

What is DMZ in networking?

I have to configure a Java application which is hosted in side a corporate network. So what is DMZ and …

networking dmz
Accessing data in internal production databases from a web server in DMZ

I'm working on an external web site (in DMZ) that needs to get data from our internal production database. All …

security dmz
What's the most secure way to connect to Active Directory from a DMZ?

I got a web DMZ server, that hosts an "Extranet" ASP.NET application. I want that users should authenticate to …

windows active-directory ldap dmz
Contact Active Directory with SSL

I have a method that validates user credentials against Active Directory. I would like to use this method with SSL …

c# ssl active-directory dmz
How to install Windows Web Services API (WWSAPI) in a Server w/o Internet Access

I'm trying to use Visual Studio 2012 Remote Debugger in a Server with Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 x64 located in a …

debugging visual-studio-2012 remote-debugging dmz wwsapi