Top "Dllregistration" questions

Unable to register dll using regsvr32

My project generates a dll and when build in Debug mode the dll gets registered automatically by Visual Studio 2005. But …

visual-studio-2005 dllregistration
In .NET, is there a need to register the DLL?

Is it necessary to register a compiled DLL (written in C# .NET) on a target machine. The target machine will …

c# .net dllregistration
Unable to register dll using regsvr32:The module "*.dll" failed to load

There is a similar question from stackoverflow. But I didn't find that the answer is helpful. I also used Google …

matlab windows-7 matlab-deployment regsvr32 dllregistration
Register DLL/OCX in InnoSetup

I have a DLL and OCX pack then I've decided to make an installer. This is what I have: ArchitecturesInstallIn64…

dll installation inno-setup regsvr32 dllregistration
Visual Studio 2010 - Cannot Register Assembly

I am running Visual Studio 2010 on a Windows 7 VM and trying to build a fairly large solution. When I try …

visual-studio-2010 dll dllregistration
Unable to register crystl32.ocx

I keep getting the error message when I try to launch VB6 application on my Windows 7 system Component 'crystl32.ocx' …

windows-7 vb6 regsvr32 dllregistration
how to debug: regsvr32 dll registration error 0x3

I have an application that I am creating a innosetup install (setup.exe) for. 20 COM dlls register fine. I have …

regsvr32 dllregistration
What does RegAsm really do? Where are files copied?

We have a plugin for IE based on spicIE, the purpose is to connect to some external devices. To connect …

c# dll regasm dllregistration ie-plugins
How to Register a Type Library without RegAsm.exe

I want to know if it's possible to register a type library without using the RegAsm tool. Here is my …

.net com-interop regasm dllregistration tlbexp