Apache logs in mode debug:
[Tue Dec 21 11:36:33 2010] [info] [client] mod_wsgi (pid=24831, process='mysite', application='mysite.com|'): Loading WSGI script '/home/anhtran/webapps/mysite.com/django.wsgi'.
[Tue Dec 21 11:36:33 2010] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers: django.wsgi
[Tue Dec 21 11:36:33 2010] [notice] child pid 24831 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)
[Tue Dec 21 11:36:33 2010] [info] mod_wsgi (pid=24980): Attach interpreter ''.
My conf file:
WSGISocketPrefix /tmp/wsgi
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName mysite.com
ServerAlias www.mysite.com
ServerAdmin [email protected]
DocumentRoot /home/anhtran/webapps/mysite.com/public_html
WSGIDaemonProcess mysite processes=5 threads=25
WSGIProcessGroup mysite
WSGIScriptAlias / /home/anhtran/webapps/mysite.com/django.wsgi
LogLevel debug
<Directory /home/anhtran/webapps/mysite.com/mysite>
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Django works fine in a basic project without a data connection such as MySQLdb or sqlite3. I'm using CentOS 5 64 bit, apache 2.x, mod_wsgi 3.2. I think this is not a problem of Django, but I have no idea for it. Everybody can fix it? Help me. Thanks! :)
import os, site, sys
# add the virtual environment path
# fix markdown.py (and potentially others) using stdout
sys.stdout = sys.stderr
#Calculate the path based on the location of the WSGI script.
project = os.path.dirname(__file__)
workspace = os.path.dirname(project)
os.environ['PYTHON_EGG_CACHE'] = '/home/anhtran/webapps/mysite.com/.python-eggs'
os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'mysite.settings'
from django.core.handlers.wsgi import WSGIHandler
application = WSGIHandler()
I've read some questions in this link: http://code.google.com/p/modwsgi/wiki/FrequentlyAskedQuestions But I still don't understand the solutions.
The daemon process crashed. See comments in the mod_wsgi FAQ about what causes crashes:
and follow links there.
Ultimately the cause can be many things, including loading incompatible mod_python at same time, using Python C extension module that doesn't work with sub interpreters, incompatible shared library versions used by Apache and/or extension modules in PHP etc.