When running python manage.py migrate
I encounter this error:
django.db.migrations.exceptions.InconsistentMigrationHistory: Migration
<appname>.0016_auto_<date2>_<time2> is applied before its dependency
running showmigrations returns:
[X] 0001_squashed_0015_auto_<date1>_<time1> (15 squashed migrations)
[X] 0016_auto_<date2>_<time2>
[ ] 0017_<modelname>_squashed_0019_auto_<date3>_<time3> (3 squashed migrations)
I was trying out django-extensions yesterday, when it all got messed up after me running some direct SQL queries and I reset hard using git. I'm still learning about migrations, so I don't understand what is wrong, since it seems to me that both migrations already have been applied.
Thank you for your help!
This worked for me. I thank my coworker for sharing this knowledge after I searched online for many hours.
Start your db shell
python manage.py dbshell
Use the database you want. If you don't know, run "show databases"
mysql>use <database_name>;
Retrieve all the migrations under your app
mysql> select * from django_migrations where app='<app>';
You will see the output with ids next to all migrations. Look at the migration you want to drop. Say the id is 361
mysql> delete from django_migrations where id=361;