"No installed app with label 'admin'" running Django migration. The app is installed correctly

alanjds picture alanjds · Apr 10, 2015 · Viewed 68.3k times · Source

I am trying to use admin.LogEntry objects during a datamigration on Django 1.7

The 'django.contrib.admin' app is listed on INSTALLED_APPS.

On the shell, it works:

>>> from django.apps import apps
>>> apps.get_model('admin', 'LogEntry')

But during the migration, it fails:

def do_it(apps, schema_editor):
    LogEntry = apps.get_model('admin', 'LogEntry')

Fails like this:

django-admin migrate
LookupError: No installed app with label 'admin'.

Using a debugger, I got that the 'admin' is not installed:

ipdb> apps.get_apps()
ipdb> apps.all_models.keys()
['website', 'google', 'allauth', 'twitter', 'busca', 'conteudo', 'django_mobile', 'django_filters', 'videocenter', 'tinymce', 'oferta', 'programacaotv', 'contenttypes', 'suit', 'haystack', 'destaque', 'filer', 'galeria', 'auth', 'facebook', 'paintstore', 'critica', 'disqus', 'fichas', 'omeletop', 'autocomplete_light', 'modelsv1', 'temas', 'django_extensions', 'adv_cache_tag', 'taggit', 'social', 'personalidade']



Rockallite picture Rockallite · Jun 22, 2017

The Django doc makes it clear:

When writing a RunPython function that uses models from apps other than the one in which the migration is located, the migration’s dependencies attribute should include the latest migration of each app that is involved, otherwise you may get an error similar to: LookupError: No installed app with label 'myappname' when you try to retrieve the model in the RunPython function using apps.get_model().

Code example:

# Imports are omitted for the sake of brevity

def move_m1(apps, schema_editor):
    LogEntry = apps.get('admin.logentry')
    # Other business logic here ...

class Migration(migrations.Migration):

    dependencies = [
        ('app1', '0001_initial'),

        # Below is the manually added dependency, so as to retrieve models
        # of 'django.contrib.admin' app with apps.get_model() in move_m1().
        # Currently this is for Django 1.11. You need to look into
        # 'django/contrib/admin/migrations' directory to find out which is
        # the latest migration for other version of Django.
        ('admin', '0002_logentry_remove_auto_add'),

    operations = [