Top "Django-unittest" questions

django-unittest tag refers to writing unit tests in Django, tests that are expressed as methods on a Python class that subclasses unittest.

Running django tutorial tests fail - No module named polls.tests

I'm playing with django 1.6 tutorial but i can't run tests. My project (name mydjango) and app structure (name is polls) …

python django django-unittest
How do you skip a unit test in Django?

How do forcibly skip a unit test in Django? @skipif and @skipunless is all I found, but I just want …

django unit-testing skip django-unittest
What is the clean way to unittest FileField in django?

I have a model with a FileField. I want to unittest it. django test framework has great ways to manage …

python django filefield django-unittest
How to see which tests were run during Django's test command

After tests execution is finished using Django's test command only number of passed tests is printed to the …

python django unit-testing django-unittest
Django Unit Testing taking a very long time to create test database

For some time now, my unit testing has been taking a longer than expected time. I have tried to debug …

python django django-unittest django-nose
How can I test binary file uploading with django-rest-framework's test client?

I have a Django application with a view that accepts a file to be uploaded. Using the Django REST framework …

django django-rest-framework django-unittest
django - HttpRequest object has no attribute 'session'

I can't seem to get sessions working. Django complains that HttpRequest objects have no attribute called 'session'. In the documentation …

django session httprequest django-unittest
Django test VS pytest

I am new to django unittest and pytest. However, I started to feel that pytest test case is more compact …

python django pytest django-unittest pytest-django
Django testing how to assert Redirect

With the folliwing code I get this wrong result : nose.proxy.AssertionError: 302 != 200 : Couldn't retrieve redirection page '/mes_dossiers/': …

django testing django-unittest