Questions about the template engine of Django, which is intended to separate the presentation of a document from its data.
i'm using Django 1.10 and i want to add the allauth's app for login, signin, etc, to my website. I've installed …
django django-templates django-allauthCan I access value of a named argument (from the URL) in a Django template? Like can I access the …
django django-templates django-urlsWhat I want is like stack overflow. User can HTML format their text input, and the page should be rendered …
django string django-templates render htmlI want to display a list of objects in a Django generic display view ListView class. And, to make it …
django django-templates django-template-filtersinstead of using render_to_response which will send the HTML output back to browser. I would like to take …
python django django-templates django-viewsI have a project in which I need to pop a modal window for not authenticated users. This modal will …
ajax django twitter-bootstrap django-templates django-registrationI am trying to add an anchor to my url in a django template like this: <a data-hover="Are …
django django-templates anchor django-urlsI have created a Django app. I have a registration page(simple HTML form) in the app,and it has …
python django django-models django-templates django-settingsHow do I add custom labels to my formset? <form method="post" action=""> {{ formset.management_form }} {% for form …
django django-templates django-forms formsetWhat I'd like to do (for a recent changes 'widget' - not a django widget in this case) is pass …
python django django-urls django-templates