Top "Django-settings" questions

A Django settings file is a Python module with module-level variables that contains all the configuration of your Django installation such as, Databases, Installed apps and Media and Static location to name a few.

Recommended place for a Django project to live on Linux

I'm uploading my first Django project to a Linux server, where I should put my project in the filesystem? With …

python django django-settings
What is "swappable" in model meta for?

Looking tough django auth models code, I came across this bit of code: class User(AbstractUser): class Meta(AbstractUser.Meta): …

django django-models django-users django-settings
Why is django's settings object a LazyObject?

Looking in django.conf I noticed that settings are implemented like this: class LazySettings(LazyObject): ... What is the rationale behind …

python django lazy-evaluation django-settings
No module named 'django.contrib.staticfiles.templatetags'

I have been breaking my head over this for a full day but can't figure out the problem. It happened …

python django django-staticfiles django-settings
Not finding static files django 1.9 gunicorn

I am on my way to deployment but when I switched to gunicorn from dev server my static files aren't …

python django django-settings django-staticfiles
Django - Static Files from App Directories

In a development environment, I'd like to use static files from the app directories. SITE_ROOT = os.path.…

python django static-files django-settings
How to keep Django app settings in database, or change on-the-fly?

Does anyone have a suggestion on how to create a system that allows me to change settings on the fly? …

django settings application-settings django-settings
translation.E004) You have provided a value for the LANGUAGE_CODE setting that is not in the LANGUAGES setting

I've just reimaged my computer, so setting everything back up for my django project, and on running the server, I …


What is the proper way to import a custom backend in I currently have the following in settings.…

python django django-authentication django-settings
Why do we have to provide WSGI_APPLICATION variable in Django settings

I'm a beginner Django developer so if this question doesn't make sense please forgive me. We provide a variable called …

python django django-settings django-wsgi