Top "Django-rest-framework" questions

A powerful and flexible toolkit for building RESTful Web APIs.

AngularJS + Django Rest Framework + CORS ( CSRF Cookie not showing up in client )

I am developing a 1-page application in AngularJS using and Django Rest Framework + Django CORS Headers. My problem is that …

django angularjs cors django-rest-framework django-cors-headers
Django REST Framework viewset per-action permissions

Is there a best practice to assign a different permission to each action of a given APIView or ViewSet? Let's …

python django django-rest-framework django-permissions
AttributeError while using Django Rest Framework with serializers

I am following a tutorial located here that uses Django Rest Framework, and I keep getting a weird error about …

python django serialization django-rest-framework django-1.7
django rest framework - token authentication logout

I have implemented the Token Authentication according to the django rest framework Docs. Form what I read, the Token Authentication …

login django-rest-framework token logout http-token-authentication
Django REST Framework - Separate permissions per methods

I am writing an API using Django REST Framework and I am wondering if can specify permissions per method when …

python django rest permissions django-rest-framework
Cannot apply DjangoModelPermissions on a view that does not have `.queryset` property or overrides the `.get_queryset()` method

I am getting the error ".accepted_renderer not set on Response resp api django". I am following the django rest-api …

python django django-rest-framework
How to cache Django Rest Framework API calls?

I'm using Memcached as backend to my django app. This code works fine in normal django query: def get_myobj(): …

python django caching django-rest-framework memcached
How do you filter a nested serializer in Django Rest Framework?

In Django Rest Framework, how do you filter a serializer when it's nested in another serializer? My filters are imposed …

django django-rest-framework
Include intermediary (through model) in responses in Django Rest Framework

I have a question about dealing with m2m / through models and their presentation in django rest framework. Let's take …

python django django-rest-framework
Get current user in Model Serializer

Is it possible to get the current user in a model serializer? I'd like to do so without having to …

python django serialization django-rest-framework