Top "Django-crispy-forms" questions

django-crispy-forms is a pluggable Django app that helps to write DRY forms by providing additional capability to configure and control the rendered HTML

ImportError: No module named crispy-forms

I'm working on some django apps, pretty noob still. Would like to use crispy-forms, but eclipse and django doesnt recognize …

python django django-crispy-forms
ImportError: No module named bootstrap3

I installed bootstrap3 with $ pip install django-bootstrap3 It is being installed in this directory /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.3/lib/…

django django-crispy-forms
use Crispy form with ModelForm

I've been running into crispy form, and it seems to do exactly what I want: render forms with bootstrap layout. …

django django-models django-forms django-crispy-forms
Remove Labels in a Django Crispy Forms

Does anybody know if there is a correct way to remove labels in a crispy form? I got as far …

django forms label django-crispy-forms
crispy_forms_tag' is not a valid tag library

I'm trying to create a Django app using Django crispy-forms. CRISPY_TEMPLATE_PACK = 'bootstrap3' INSTALLED_APPS = ( 'django.…

django django-crispy-forms
Displaying multiple Rows and Columns in django-crispy-forms

I'm using django-crispy-forms with Twitter Bootstrap , and I'm having some issues with customizing my forms into multiple rows and columns. …

django twitter-bootstrap django-crispy-forms
crispy-forms: add css class for one of the inputs

In my I have [...] self.helper.layout = Layout( Field('name'), Field('description'), ) self.helper.form_class = 'form-horizontal' self.…

css django twitter-bootstrap twitter-bootstrap-3 django-crispy-forms
Django 1.8 & Django Crispy Forms: Is there a simple, easy way of implementing a Date Picker?

There are an awful lot of date/datetime picker implementations out there. Are there any that integrate with Django and …

django date datetime datepicker django-crispy-forms
Rendering field errors in django-crispy-forms with inline forms

I'm using bootstrap3 as the default template pack in django_crispy_forms, and trying to render a form with the …

django django-crispy-forms
How to render Django forms.ChoiceField as Twitter Bootstrap dropdown

What is the most efficient way (in terms of programming/maintenance effort, elegance) to render a Django forms.ChoiceField as …

django django-forms twitter-bootstrap django-crispy-forms