Django Class-based Views are Django views that are represented as classes.
I need to test the methods and helper function inside a django Class Based View. Consider this Class Based View: …
python django unit-testing django-class-based-viewsI am pretty new to Django (starting with 1.3). In building an app, I went with the new class-based generic views …
django django-class-based-views django-1.3I am trying to implement an appointment-making application where users can create sessions that are associated with pre-existing classes. What …
django django-views django-class-based-viewsI had a function based view that looked like this: def account_details(request, acc_id): account = get_object_or_404(…
python django django-views django-class-based-viewsI'm practicing with Django's FormViews. In this app, I'm creating a PostCreate view that creates a blog post. Here are …
python django django-class-based-viewsI've searched through the ref and topics of the class based views Django documentation(Django 1.4) but I haven't found any …
django django-class-based-viewsI'm getting this following error: ImproperlyConfigured at /elearning/7447932a-6044-498a-b902-97cbdd0a4001/ DetailView is missing a QuerySet. Define …
django django-class-based-views django-1.11I have a DeleteView: class LectureDelete(SuccessMessageMixin, DeleteView): model = Lecture success_message = "Die Veranstaltung wurde gelöscht" success_url = '/…
django django-class-based-viewsHi Stackoverflow people, In my clean function in, I would like to save automatically some information in a …
django django-forms request django-class-based-viewsI am trying to understand the code for the mixins posted at this blog post. These mixins call the login_…
django decorator django-class-based-views login-required