Top "Django-1.11" questions

Django 1.11 is a version of the Django framework, released April 2017.


I tried to launch a Django 1.11 project on production server. When I start the app I see the following error: …

python django django-1.11
'QuerySet' object has no attribute

Please could you me why I get this error message while displaying "fav" in my template QuerySet object has no …

django django-1.11
Using ModelFormMixin without the 'fields' attribute is prohibited

I'm using Django 1.11 I have created a Form and using Class based view to create a record and save to …

django django-forms django-1.11
How to send file to response in Django?

I have such php function which I try to rewrite in my Django project. What should be an analogue in …

php python django python-2.7 django-1.11
Django static files 404 error

I'm trying to locate all bootstrap files in django project in only one folder and reference them. In order to …

python bootstrap-4 static-files django-1.11
Admin inline with no ForeignKey relation

Is it possible to manually specify the set of related object to show in an inline, where no foreign key …

django python-3.x django-1.11
django User permissions and Permission Required Mixin

In this code, Django will check for all the permission in the tuple permission_required and if the user having …

python django django-1.11
Django: DetailView implementing a get_queryset()

I'm getting this following error: ImproperlyConfigured at /elearning/7447932a-6044-498a-b902-97cbdd0a4001/ DetailView is missing a QuerySet. Define …

django django-class-based-views django-1.11