Top "Django-admin" questions

Django's built-in, automatic admin interface (django.

Django admin and showing thumbnail images

I'm trying to show thumbnail images in Django admin, but I can only see the path to the images, but …

python django django-admin
Form field description in django admin

How to add hint for the form field in django admin like in next example? (here: URL and Content descriptions …

django django-admin django-forms
Django Admin nested inline

I need a nested django admin inline, which I can include the date field inlines in an other inline like …

django django-models django-admin
Django Admin - save_model method - How to detect if a field has changed?

I'm trying to override the save_model method on a Django admin object to prevent a user from changing a …

django django-admin
How to change ForeignKey display text in the Django Admin?

How can I change the display text in a <select> field while selecting a field which is a …

django django-admin
Django Admin: OneToOne Relation as an Inline?

I am putting together the admin for a satchmo application. Satchmo uses OneToOne relations to extend the base Product model, …

python django django-admin inline one-to-one
Django Migration applied before its dependency

When running python migrate I encounter this error: django.db.migrations.exceptions.InconsistentMigrationHistory: Migration <appname>.0016_auto_&…

django django-admin django-migrations
Multiple ModelAdmins/views for same model in Django admin

How can I create more than one ModelAdmin for the same model, each customised differently and linked to different URLs? …

python django django-admin
Default filter in Django admin

How can I change the default filter choice from 'ALL'? I have a field named as status which has three …

python django django-admin
Django: Admin: changing the widget of the field in Admin

I have a model with a boolean value like that: class TagCat(models.Model): by_admin = models.BooleanField(default=True) …

django django-admin boolean field django-widget