Top "Django-1.5" questions

Django 1.5 is a version of the Django framework, released in February 2013.

Setting DEBUG = False causes 500 Error

Once I change the DEBUG = False, my site will generate 500 (using wsgi & runserver), and there is no …

django settings django-1.5
AttributeError: 'Manager' object has no attribute 'get_by_natural_key' error in Django?

I am using Django '1.5c1'. I have this line in my AUTH_USER_MODEL = 'fileupload.galaxyuser' …

python django django-authentication django-1.5 django-managers
AUTH_USER_MODEL refers to model .. that has not been installed and created AbstractUser models not able to login

AUTH_USER_MODEL error solved in EDIT3. Passwords still will not save on user creation via form. I'm using Django 1.5 …

python django django-1.5
Django: Can class-based views accept two forms at a time?

If I have two forms: class ContactForm(forms.Form): name = forms.CharField() message = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Textarea) class SocialForm(…

django django-class-based-views django-1.5
Changing password in Django Admin

I recently created the based in the Django Project Document:…

python django django-admin django-1.5
select_related with reverse foreign keys

I have two Models in Django. The first has the hierarchy of what job functions (positions) report to which other …

django django-models django-queryset django-1.5 django-managers
Django ModelForm not saving data to database

A Django beginner here having a lot of trouble getting forms working. Yes I've worked through the tutorial and browsed …

django django-models django-1.5
Django select_for_update cannot be used outside of a transaction

I was using Django 1.5.1 and upgraded to Django 1.6.6. In Django 1.5.1 I was using select for update to guarantee atomic execution. …

django transactions django-1.5 django-1.6
Django: user.has_perm always true and user is not superuser. Why?

I assigned a permission of a user in my Django 1.5 app. When I list all user permissions with In [1]: user.…

django permissions django-1.5
how to split the string in django template?

i am trying to split the string in template using custom template filter. But i got an error TemplateSyntaxError at /…

django-templates django-filter django-1.5