Top "Distutils" questions

Distutils is the standard packaging system for Python modules and applications.

pip 10 and apt: how to avoid "Cannot uninstall X" errors for distutils packages

I am dealing with a legacy Dockerfile. Here is a very simplified version of what I am dealing with: FROM …

python docker pip distutils apt
Compiling with cython and mingw produces gcc: error: unrecognized command line option '-mno-cygwin'

I'm trying to compile a python extension with cython in win 7 64-bit using mingw (64-bit). I'm working with Python 2.6 (Active …

python mingw distutils cython
DistutilsOptionError: must supply either home or prefix/exec-prefix -- not both

I've been usually installed python packages through pip. For Google App Engine, I need to install packages to another target …

python google-app-engine installation pip distutils
Combine --user with --prefix error with install

I was trying to install Python packages a system I recently gained access to. I was trying to take advantage …

python installation distutils
Cleaning build directory in

How could I make my pre-delete and post-delete the build directory?

python build distutils
How to tell distutils to use gcc?

I want to wrap a test project containing C++ and OpenMP code with Cython, and build it with distutils via …

python compiler-errors cython distutils
How can I bundle other files when using cx_freeze?

I'm using Python 2.6 and cx_Freeze 4.1.2 on a Windows system. I've created the to build my executable and …

python distutils cx-freeze
PyCrypto install error on Windows

I am trying to install PyCrypto 2.6 Library on my computer. But I keep getting the following error D:\Software\Python\…

python python-3.x distutils pycrypto
setuptools vs. distutils: why is distutils still a thing?

Python has a confusing history of tools that can be used to package and describe projects: these include distutils in …

python packaging setuptools distutils
distutils: How to pass a user defined parameter to

Please prompt me how to pass a user-defined parameter both from the command line and setup.cfg configuration file to …

python distutils