Top "Distributed-transactions" questions

An operational bundle which consists of multiple ACID transactions, usually on multiple servers, which must all commit or roll back.

Query global temp table on a linked server

I have seen all of the references on how to query two different tables on two different SQL servers, and …

sql-server sql-server-2008 distributed-transactions
Transactions within loop within stored procedure

I'm working on a procedure that will update a large number of items on a remote server, using records from …

sql sql-server sql-server-2005 tsql distributed-transactions
Connection using enlist=false does not close after being manually enlisted in distributed transaction

I have a distributed transaction context using ServiceDomain. Inside it, I open an SQL connection with connection string specifying Enlist=…

.net sql-server connection-string sqlconnection distributed-transactions
Failed to acquire connection. Connection may not be configured correctly or you may not have the right permissions on this connection

I am getting following error while attempting to execute the package. I can execute individual task successfully. But whenever attempt … .net sql-server ssis distributed-transactions
How to design global distributed transaction(none database)? Can JTA use for none db transaction?

I think this is a fairly common question: how to put my business logic in a global transaction in distributed …

java jta distributed-transactions
How do two-phase commits prevent last-second failure?

I am studying how two-phase commit works across a distributed transaction. It is my understanding that in the last part …

database distributed-transactions
EF: db.SaveChanges() vs dbTransaction.Commit

I am fairly new to entity framework and I have a doubt on EF's db.SaveChange. From some posts and …

c# entity-framework transactions distributed-transactions
Accessing transaction status in container managed beans

I have a @Stateless EJB using container managed transaction. Is there a way to access the "status" of javax.transaction.…

jakarta-ee ejb jta distributed-transactions
how to debug an issue when the cause is not known

We are facing the following exception in weblogic server v10.3.2.0. We are using JRockit JRE 6.0. We have around 6-7 XA …

java jdbc weblogic-10.x distributed-transactions jrockit
Synchronising transactions between database and Kafka producer

We have a micro-services architecture, with Kafka used as the communication mechanism between the services. Some of the services have …

apache-kafka spring-transactions spring-kafka distributed-transactions