Query global temp table on a linked server

mpilatzke76 picture mpilatzke76 · Dec 3, 2012 · Viewed 11.4k times · Source

I have seen all of the references on how to query two different tables on two different SQL servers, and I understand how it is to be implemented. However, the command doesn't seem work with temporary tables created with the ##.

If I write a join on one server, and it references one temp table on that server, and one temp table on the other server, SQL Server assumes that because the ## is in the command, it automatically looks at the local server's tempdb, not the remote one. I also cannot use OPENROWSET at this time because the feature has been disabled and I have to get approval to turn it back on.

So my question is there a way that I can reconfigure this command to recognize which tempdb to look at?

FROM (##mytemptable1 Demog 
INNER JOIN MyServer.tempdb.dbo.##mytemptable2 PeakInfo ON (Demog.SAMPLE_NO = PeakInfo.SampleNum)  AND  (Demog.JOB_NO = PeakInfo.JobNum) )
ORDER BY PeakInfo.JobNum, PeakInfo.SampleNum,   PeakInfo.Replicate ,PeakInfo.Reinjection ,PeakInfo.PeakNameCustSort


Ravi picture Ravi · Aug 20, 2014

try this to query global temp table from linked server

SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(linkedServerName, 'SELECT * FROM ##temp')