Top "Distinct" questions

The DISTINCT keyword is used to remove duplicate values from a result of a SQL or SPARQL query.

distinct vs group by which is better

for the simplest case we all refer to: select id from mytbl group by id and select distinct id from …

sql hadoop hive distinct
Finding distinct values of non Primary Key column in CQL Cassandra

I use the following code for creating table: CREATE KEYSPACE mykeyspace WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 1 }; USE mykeyspace; CREATE …

select cassandra distinct cql cql3
MySQL case-insensitive DISTINCT

Can anyone tell me how i can SELECT DISTINCT from my database without it being case-sensitive? My query is SELECT …

mysql sql database distinct case-insensitive
Meteor: how to search for only distinct field values aka a collection.distinct("fieldname") similar to Mongo's

I'm using Meteor, and I'm trying to find only distinct (unique) values of a field. Mongodb has the command Collection.…

meteor distinct
Why is there no Linq method to return distinct values by a predicate?

I want to get the distinct values in a list, but not by the standard equality comparison. What I want …

c# linq distinct
Selecting some distinct and some not-distinct tags in SPARQL

I'm trying to query DBPedia for a list of properties relating to a given class in the ontology, but since …

distinct rdf sparql dbpedia
Distinct values in multiple columns

I am trying to get distinct values for multiple columns in table. for example if my table has COL1,COL2,…

sql distinct sap-ase
How do I use a custom comparer with the Linq Distinct method?

I was reading a book about Linq, and saw that the Distinct method has an overload that takes a comparer. …

linq distinct icomparer
Selecting distinct values from two tables

I have two rather large databases (+1 million rows each). Both tables have the same structure. How can I check if …

mysql count distinct multiple-tables
MySQL SELECT DISTINCT should be case sensitive?

How do I make MySQL's SELECT DISTINCT case sensitive? create temporary table X (name varchar(50) NULL); insert into X values (…

mysql sql distinct case-sensitive