Top "Distcp" questions

hadoop tool used for large inter- and intra-cluster copying.

hadoop fs -rm -skipTrash doesn't work

I copied some files from a directory to directory using hadoop distcp -Dmapreduce.job.queuename=adhoc /user/comverse/data/$CURRENT_…

hadoop rm distcp
Hadoop: specify yarn queue for distcp

On our cluster we have set up dynamic resource pools. The rules are set so that first yarn will look …

hadoop yarn distcp
HDFS LeaseExpiredException

I have an application which is supposed to copy over a large number of files from a source such as …

hadoop distcp
Hdfs to s3 Distcp - Access Keys

For copying the file from HDFS to S3 bucket I used the command hadoop distcp -Dfs.s3a.access.key=…

hadoop amazon-s3 hdfs distcp
distcp from Hadoop to S3 fails with "No space available in any of the local directories"

I'm trying to copy data from a local hadoop cluster to an S3 bucket using distcp. Sometimes it "works", but …

hadoop amazon-s3 distcp