Top "Dired" questions

Dired is a mode for the Emacs text editor that allows users to conveniently edit files and directories on a file system.

How do I create an empty file in emacs?

How can I create an empty file from emacs, ideally from within a dired buffer? For example, I've just opened …

file emacs elisp dired
How to create new file from dired mode?

I want to create a new file in dired mode. Is there "create new file" command in dired mode ? For …

file emacs dired
How can I open files externally in Emacs dired mode?

I want to open a pdf with evince instead of DocView mode. Is there a possibility to open a file …

emacs dired docview
How do I uncompress/unzip within Emacs

I would like to run unzip (or even zip) within dired or a dired-like buffer. Is there anything like this? …

emacs zip dired
How do I stop emacs dired mode from opening so many buffers?

When I use dired mode to browse around and find a file I want to open in Emacs, dired opens …

emacs file-management dired
In Emacs dired, how to find/visit multiple files?

If I have multiple files marked, how do I find/visit all those marked files in emacs, beside running dired-find-file …

emacs dired
How to change directory in Emacs dired

In dired+ in Emacs 23.2.1, how do I navigate to a different directory ("change directory")? I know how to move up …

emacs dired