Top "Directions" questions

Directions refers to point-to-point steps returned from a map API or application.

Demo for Displaying Multiple Google Directions (Google Maps API v3)

Hey all, is there a functioning demo out there for displaying multiple directions routes on a single Google map? The …

google-maps-api-3 demo directions
Displaying multiple routes using Directions API in Android

I am using this class to display a route on a map. The problem is that it only displays one …

android google-maps google-maps-android-api-2 directions
Google Maps API [Directions API] Waypoints limitation?

Documentation says that waypoints limit is 8 points. But I have to draw a line with more than 8 waypoints. How to …

google-maps google-maps-api-3 driving-directions directions
Add Markers Along a Route

I am trying to create several markers along a route from google maps directions. I have already looked into waypoints …

google-maps-api-3 routes google-maps-markers directions
Google Directions API

In the JSON output, there is a field "maneuver" within a "step". In this "turn-left", "turn-right", "turn-slight-left", etc. Example is …

directions google-directions-api
How to optimize a route with Google-API Maps for more than 23 waypoints?

could someone please point me out the part of the route optimization for routes with more than 23 waypoints? I want …

google-maps optimization routes directions
Opening maps with current location and directions in iOS 6

I am building an app that can open the Maps app with directions from the user's current position to another …

google-maps ios5 ios6 directions ios6-maps
Google API (directions) - creating routes that avoid certain points

Google Maps API does not seem to provide a means to create routes that avoid or tend to avoid certain …

google-maps routes directions
Adding InfoWindow on Google directions route

I am trying to add an InfoWindow to directions route. there are lots of examples out there for adding InfoWindow …

javascript google-maps infowindow directions google-directions-api
Passing longitude and latitude to google directions api

I am having issues with passing a longitude and latitude to the google directions api (…

android google-api directions