Google Directions API

user2633218 picture user2633218 · Jul 30, 2013 · Viewed 11.2k times · Source

In the JSON output, there is a field "maneuver" within a "step". In this "turn-left", "turn-right", "turn-slight-left", etc. Example is here

Where could I find the definition of the "maneuver" field, and the list of possible values? There is no relevant description here

Thanks in advance


Jason picture Jason · Mar 9, 2014

Here is a visual for the lazy ones :)

Can't believe Google did not document this yet...

maneuver contains the action to take for the current step (turn left, merge, straight, etc.).

This field is used to determine which icon to display, and can contain one of the following values:

Google Maps Direction API - Maneuvers