Top "Diameter-protocol" questions

Diameter is an authentication, authorization and accounting protocol for computer networks, and an alternative to RADIUS

what is the difference between diameter "GY" and "RO" interface

Can someone tell me about the difference between GY and RO interfaces used by diameter protocol ??? As per my understanding …

Easy Diameter protocol implementaion using Java

I need help on how to implement Diameter protol using Java. I was going through weblogic diameter API, but hard …

java diameter-protocol
Where can I find a sample for Pcap for Diameter protocol (WireShark)?

I was wondering if there are any sample wireshark pcaps for diameter protocol out there? If so please share. Thanks

pcap wireshark-dissector diameter-protocol
What is the Diameter protocol?

I have 3 simple questions. What is the Diameter protocol in simple explanation? Why is it used? How can one use …

authentication network-protocols diameter-protocol