Top "Dialog" questions

A temporary window presented to a user (usually as a small box).

Difference between session, dialog and transaction in SIP?

What exactly is the difference between a session, a dialog and a transaction? Does all must be present together?

session transactions dialog sip
AppCompatActivity as a dialog without title

I have an Activity inherited from AppCompactActivity. in manifest for activity set theme: <style name="Theme.custom" parent="Theme.…

android dialog android-appcompat
Display a warning when leaving the site, not just the page

This sounded like something almost impossible to do when it was presented to me. I know you can display a …

javascript html events dialog confirmation
jQuery: fading in modal dialog

is it possible to smoothly fadein a jquery modal dialog? (can't find anything in the docs). i've tried fadeTo but …

jquery dialog modal-dialog fade
Finish activity in dialog class

In my MainActivity I call MyDialog dialog = new MyDialog(MainActivity.this);; MyDialog is my own class where I …

android dialog activity-finish
How to refresh the page after closing p:dialog

I've the below dialog: <h:form id="r1"> <p:commandButton value="Basic" type="button" onclick="PF('dlg1…

jsf primefaces dialog page-refresh
Android, SeekBar in dialog

I would like to use a dialog with a seekbar in my application. But I don't really know how to …

android dialog seekbar
Adding a Progress Dialog in a webview

I have been trying to incorporate a progress dialog into my app when pages are loading in the webview so …

android webview dialog webpage progress
Can't use onDismiss() when using custom dialogs - Android

I'm working on a little program, and I need to add a custom dialog that passes some info to the …

android dialog custom-controls
How to handle a webview confirm dialog?

I'm displaying a webpage in a WebView and on the webpage, there is a button. When you click the button, …

android dialog webview popup handle