Top "Devise" questions

Devise is an authentication gem for Ruby-on-Rails.

Cannot test with rspec controller POST create action( devise and cancan)

I am having difficulty getting a rspec test for a controller to pass. I would like to test that the …

ruby-on-rails rspec devise cancan
Where to override current_user helper method of devise gem

How can i override current_user of devise gem. Actually I need to add web services for mobile-app. Currently devise …

ruby-on-rails-3 authentication ruby-on-rails-3.1 rubygems devise
Rails: Only allow admin user to create new users in Rails with Devise (No external modules)

Currently, my Users database has a column called "admin" with a boolean value and the default set to false. I …

ruby-on-rails ruby ruby-on-rails-4 devise admin
Devise/Rails - How to remove a particular flash message? (Signed in Successfully)

Using Devise, I would like to know if there is a way to remove a particular flash message? (Signed in …

ruby-on-rails devise
rails devise 401 unauthorized for a specific page

I'm having trouble discerning why my app is returning a 401 Unauthorized. Other actions in my Institutions controller are working just …

ruby-on-rails-3 devise http-status-code-401 warden
How can I redirect a user's home (root) path based on their role using Devise?

I'm working on a project management app, and in the app, I have project_managers and clients. I'm using Devise …

ruby-on-rails authentication routes devise cancan
Rails 4 + Devise: Password Reset is always giving a "Token is invalid" error on the production server, but works fine locally.

I have a Rails 4 application set up to use Devise, and I'm running a problem with password resets. I have …

ruby-on-rails devise ruby-on-rails-4
Rails, Devise, Rspec: Undefined method 'sign_in'

I am trying to write Rspec tests in Rails, using Devise helper methods for signing in and out. The sign_…

ruby-on-rails-4 rspec devise
How to auto-generate passwords in Rails Devise?

I am trying out how Devise works with one of my projects for user authentication. There is a user requirement …

ruby-on-rails devise
How to set up mailer in Rails app for production environment on Heroku

I need to use a mailer for sending out emails to users to set their passwords to the "recoverable" function …

ruby-on-rails heroku devise actionmailer production