Top "Devforce" questions

DevForce is a framework for building and operating Rich Internet Applications (RIAs).

How can i access a control in mvvm model in viewmodel?

I have a WPF Window, and in that window I have a grid. I use M-V-VM model and I want …

c# wpf silverlight mvvm devforce
type used in a using statement must be implicity convertible to system.Idisposable

Started a new mvc4 project. Used the MVC controller template to create the read/write actions of the 'Orders' Model. …

c# idisposable devforce
Pass in an Expression to linq's Select

This is linq-to-sql I have a lot of different classes all doing the same query, but projecting the results slightly …

c# linq linq-to-sql devforce
LINQ Union between two tables with the same fields and then returned in a collection

I have given up trying to create a linq query to retrieve a sql server view which is a union …

c# sql sql-server linq devforce
How can I prevent Visual Studio from creating license.licx

We use 3rd party controls in our project. Almost every time when I double click on a file which has …

visual-studio devforce devexpress-windows-ui