Top "Derby" questions

Use this tag for questions about Apache Derby, an Apache DB subproject.

connecting to derby database with tomcat as the server

How do i connect to derby database (that comes with the netbeans) ? I am using Tomcat as the server. Earlier …

java jakarta-ee tomcat database-connection derby
connecting to a file-based derby database

I want to work with a file-based database using apache derby. I was wondering if anyone can carify how to …

java netbeans database-connection derby
How to shutdown Derby in-memory database Properly

I'm using derby as an embedded database. Furthermore, I'm using it's in-memory database option for my unit tests. What I …

java derby shutdown in-memory-database
Experience using Derby or HSQL in production mode

Anyone ever tried to use Derby or HSQLDB in a production environment? Any good, bad or ugly experiences?

derby hsqldb
Where did the Apache Derby Eclipse plug-in go?

Edit: According to the Derby community the Eclipse plug-in won't be maintained nor built automatically along the Derby project. But …

eclipse eclipse-plugin derby eclipse-juno
SQL LIKE Performance with only the wildcard (%) as a value

I am wondering what the performance of a query would be like using the LIKE keyword and the wildcard as …

sql sql-server oracle derby sql-like
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: You have attempted to set a parameter value using a name of string that does not exist in the query string

I have the following named query: @NamedQuery( name = "Userdetails.findByUsername", query = "SELECT u FROM Userdetails u WHERE u.username = :username" ) …

jpa parameters derby named-query
JUnit + Derby + Spring: drop in-memory db after every test

In my unit tests I autowired some DataSources, which use URLs like jdbc:derby:memory:mydb;create=true to create …

java spring junit derby in-memory-database
calling derby (java db) 'show tables' from jdbc

I need to enumerate the tables in a Derby (aka Java DB) database using JDBC in a Java program. All …

jdbc derby javadb
Derby/JavaDB vs SQLiteJDBC

I found a lot of comparisions here, but not this one; So, what is best in each one?

java sqlite derby javadb sqlitejdbc