Top "Dependencies" questions

A dependency exists between two elements if changes to the definition of one element may cause changes to the other.

How do I tell CPAN to install all dependencies?

How do I tell CPAN to install all dependencies? I tried setting these in cpan: cpan> o conf prerequisites_…

perl dependencies cpan
NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/lang3/StringUtils

I'm trying to run the sample project with this library and I get the following error: Exception in thread "main" …

java apache maven dependencies apache-commons
Gradle - getting the latest release version of a dependency

What would be the easiest way to tell Gradle the following: Retrieve 'junit' dependency and take its latest 'release' version. …

java maven dependencies ivy gradle
How to integrate ZXing Library to Android Studio for Barcode Scanning?

I've been looking all over internet how to include zxing library to my project, and I found this tutorial: http://…

android ide dependencies zxing core
How can I force Gradle to set the same version for two dependencies?

I use the following two dependencies: compile '' compile '' Both must …

java gradle dependencies
Using npm to install or update required packages just like bundler for rubygems

I love Bundler, it's great at dependency management. I love npm, installing node packages is easy! I have a nodejs …

javascript dependencies node.js bundler npm
How to list dependencies of a JAR

is there a tool that can list third party "packages" that contain (third party) classes referenced in the JAR ? Let …

java jar dependencies maven
Dependency graph of Visual Studio projects

I'm currently migrating a big solution (~70 projects) from VS 2005 + .NET 2.0 to VS 2008 + .NET 3.5. Currently I have VS 2008 + .NET 2.0. The problem …

.net visual-studio migration graph dependencies
What is the difference between "pom" type dependency with scope "import" and without "import"?

Starting from Maven 2.0.9 there is possibility to include <type>pom</type> <scope>import</…

java maven dependencies pom.xml
List of dependency jar files in Maven

Using Maven 2, is there a way I can list out the jar dependencies as just the file names? mvn dependency:…

java maven-2 dependencies classpath