Top "Dense-rank" questions

A SQL window-function that returns the rank of each row within a result set partition, with no gaps in the ranking values.

SQL Query Select first rank 1 row From Multiple ranks/Group

I have following data Table1 id col1 col2 col3 ---------------------------------- 1 abc 01/01/2012 - 1 abc 01/01/2012 A 2 abc 01/01/2012 - 2 abc 01/02/2012 - 3 abc 01/02/2012 - 3 …

sql oracle oracle10g dense-rank
How to emulate SQLs rank functions in R?

What is the R equivalent of rank functions like the Oracle ROW_NUMBER(), RANK(), or DENSE_RANK() ("assign integer values …

sql r data.table dplyr dense-rank
Ranking combination of columns with rank using Dense_Rank in SQL Server

I have a requirement where I have the data as StageID Department Number UserEmail 732 60012 [email protected] 733 60012 [email protected] 734 60012 …

sql-server dense-rank
Using SQL DENSE_RANK to determine duplicates

Here is an example of the data for which I am trying to find all the orders with same quantities, …

sql sql-server-2005 rank dense-rank
Rank within subsets of data in spotfire

I am trying to rank subsets of my data in spotfire. Lets say I have a data table that has …

subset tibco spotfire dense-rank