Install Delphi 5 for Windows 10

Lucas Burg picture Lucas Burg · Oct 17, 2015 · Viewed 22.5k times · Source

I tried to install Delphi 5 on Windows 10, but hangs when configuring the BDE.

I've tried in a different directory with administrator permissions.

I've tried for compatibility mode as well.

If someone knows , I am very grateful!

This image is the error


Stacey Richards picture Stacey Richards · May 21, 2016

This is the procedure I use to install Delphi 5 Pro on Windows 10:

  • Log in as Administrator
  • Turn UAC off
  • Log in as Standard User
  • Install Delphi 5 Pro via installer
  • The installation hangs while trying to install the BDE.
  • Use Task Manager to kill the install process.
  • Delete C:\Program Files (x86)\Borland\Delphi 5\Uninst.isu
  • Install Delphi 5 Pro via installer
  • Select registry settings only.
  • Install d5proupgrade.exe (Bug fix Upgrade for Delphi 5 Pro)
  • Open a command prompt as Administrator:

    > cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Borland Shared\Debugger

    > tregsvr bordbk50.dll

    > cd C:\see\below\regarding\winhlp32-windows-7-x86-x86-komeil

    > Install.cmd

  • Edit permission on C:\Program Files (x86)\Borland\Delphi5\Bin\delphi32.dro adding Everyone with Full Control

  • Start Delphi 5
  • When prompted, don't change JIT debugger and check don't ask again.
  • Close Delphi 5
  • Turn UAC on.

I don't use the BDE and have never tested to see if it works or not after this procedure.

See to find out how to get Delphi 5 Help working in Windows 10 and to obtain You'll have to download and extract the cab file then edit the Install.cmd, adding the last two line in the Settings so it reads:

:: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
:: Settings

set MuiFileName=winhlp32.exe.mui
set ExeFileName=winhlp32.exe
set WindowsVersion=7
goto :BypassVersionError