Delphi 2007 x Windows 10 - Error on opening project

delphirules picture delphirules · Jul 31, 2015 · Viewed 20.2k times · Source

Just updated from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10 and now when I try to open any project on Delphi 2007, I get his error :

Unable to load project xxxxx The imported project "c:\Windows\Microsft.NET...\Borland.Delphi.Targets" was not found. Confirm that the path declaration is correct, and that file exists on disk

Any hints to fix it ?


delphirules picture delphirules · Jul 31, 2015

You need to copy some files in your old Windows folder to the new one. After that projects open again.

The needed files are these :


Just copy them from the older Windows folder ( C:\Windows.old\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\ ) to the new one.