Top "Delphi-xe7" questions

Delphi XE7 is a specific version of Delphi released in September 2014.

What could cause "No mapping for the Unicode character exists in the target multi-byte code page"?

I have a bug report showing an EEncodingError. The log points to TFile.AppendAllText. I call TFile.AppendAllText is this …

delphi unicode delphi-xe7
How to hide (and again show) soft keyboard while TEdit is in focus DELPHI XE7

Can you help me how to hide (and again show) soft keyboard while TEdit is in focus?

android delphi firemonkey soft-keyboard delphi-xe7
Which is the best way to load a string (HTML code) in TWebBrowser?

I have a string var 'HTMLCode' that contains HTML code. I want to load this code into the browser. This …

delphi internet-explorer delphi-xe7 twebbrowser
Cant delete controls in Delphi xe7

Just installed Delphi xe7. Opened a project developed with XE7. Side note, but my first concern is that everything causes …

delphi firemonkey delphi-xe7
JVCL installation Delphi XE7

I have recently installed Delphi XE7 and have been adding my 3rd Party components sets. I also have Delphi 7, XE4 &…

delphi delphi-xe7 jvcl
Create a customized Item Appearance for ListView Delphi XE7

Im having a lot of trouble trying to create a customized item appearance for the TListView firemonkey control for Delphi …

delphi firemonkey listviewitem delphi-xe7 tlistview
How do I refresh a TDBGrid?

I have a TDBGrid called myDbGrid that I want to update after a change to the database (insert/update/delete). …

delphi delphi-xe7 tdbgrid
IDFTP DirExists and MakeDir

I am using Indy IDFTP to make a directory. I need to find a reliable way to determine if a …

delphi indy10 delphi-xe7
Base64-decode a string using NetEncoding in Delphi XE7?

In Delphi XE7 Update 1, when trying to execute this code in a VCL program: uses System.NetEncoding; ... tempstring := TNetEncoding.Base64.…

delphi base64 decode delphi-xe7 utf8-decode
EProgrammerNotFound exception in Delphi?

In Delphi 2009, SysUtils.pas contains this in line 425: EProgrammerNotFound = class(Exception); Is this simply an easter egg or something serious? …

delphi delphi-2009 delphi-xe7