Top "Delphi-6" questions

Delphi 6 is a specific version of Delphi.

What is the difference between compiling and building in Delphi?

With Delphi-6 there are two options: Build and Compile. I know when I run a program it compiles only the …

delphi build compilation delphi-6
Delphi - How to prevent Forms/MsgBoxes to move under prior form?

Many times after the Windows 98 era we have experienced that some dialogs lose their Z-Order and move back to the …

windows delphi dialog z-order delphi-6
How do I get screen coordinates of the DBGrid cell

I want to show popup button or fancy message (with coloured background, etc) just under right-bottom corner of particular cell …

delphi delphi-6 tdbgrid
"specific to a platform" warning in Delphi 6 on Windows 7

We have some legacy code that compiles in Delphi 6. There are plans to rewrite it in a more current IDE, …

delphi windows-7 vcl delphi-6