What is the difference between compiling and building in Delphi?

Daisetsu picture Daisetsu · Jul 13, 2010 · Viewed 11.5k times · Source

With Delphi-6 there are two options: Build and Compile.

I know when I run a program it compiles only the files which have changed and uses the DCUs for those which haven't. When I click build apparently it rebuilds the DCUs.

What I have been wondering is, when I make a program for release (changing build settings, conditional variables, etc.) can I just compile, or do I have to do a full build?

What happens if I don't do a full build, is there any consiquence?


RRUZ picture RRUZ · Jul 13, 2010

@Daisetsu, here is the difference between build and compile.

Build compiles all used units in an project when the source code is available.

Compile compiles only changed used units.

in my personal experience when you make changes to the configuration of the compiler, you must execute a build of the application, so that changes will be reflected in all units of the project.