Top "Delphi-2006" questions

Delphi 2006 is a specific version of Delphi.

Delphi - TDataSet determine if it was modified when is in insert/edit state

how can I find out if an data-aware component field has been modified when the dataset is already in Insert …

delphi dataset delphi-2006
Autosize columns for TListView

I want to auto-size all the columns in the TListView. I am using below code, but its not doing any …

delphi delphi-2006 tlistview
TStringGrid merge cell drawing

This link/pic shows what I am trying to achieve with a TStringGrid. This link/pic show what my code …

delphi delphi-2006 tstringgrid
Where should I put code to execute once after my Delphi app has finished initialising?

I have functions I want to perform after my app has finished initialising and the main form has been created. …

delphi events forms show delphi-2006
Delphi - TXMLDocument created at run-time generates AV, with component on the form is working

I'm creating an instance of TXMLDocument at runtime, to load and parse a XML file. You can check the code …

delphi delphi-2006 txmldocument
sprintf in Delphi?

Does anyone know a 100% clone of the C/C++ printf for Delphi? Yes, I know the System.Format function, but …

delphi printf delphi-2006
Error 32 (file is in use by another process) when renaming a file

I have a Delphi 2006 app that writes to a file and then regularly renames it to a sequenced name, and …

delphi delphi-2006 file-rename
How to handle UTF-8 and ANSI conversion before Delphi 2009?

In Delphi 2009 we have: RichEdit1.Lines.LoadFromFile(OpenDialog1.FileName,TEncoding.UTF8); RichEdit1.Lines.SaveToFile(OpenDialog2.FileName,TEncoding.Unicode); How do …

delphi unicode utf-8 delphi-2009 delphi-2006
Delphi - finding the process that is accessing a file from my program

I have a Delphi app that regularly writes to a local disk file. Occasionally it is unable to access the …

delphi process wmi delphi-2006 filehandle
Why Delphi says "Unit xxx compiled with a different version of yyy" if all my paths are correct?

First of all I would like to apologize for the question itself. I simply could not make anything better. Well, …

delphi delphi-2006