sprintf in Delphi?

kroimon picture kroimon · Mar 18, 2010 · Viewed 9.5k times · Source

Does anyone know a 100% clone of the C/C++ printf for Delphi? Yes, I know the System.Format function, but it handles things a little different.

For example if you want to format 3 to "003" you need "%03d" in C, but "%.3d" in Delphi.

I have an application written in Delphi which has to be able to format numbers using C format strings, so do you know a snippet/library for that?

Thanks in advance!


Andreas Hausladen picture Andreas Hausladen · Mar 18, 2010

You could use the wsprintf() function from Windows.pas. Unfortunately this function is not declared correctly in the Windows.pas so here is a redeclaration:

function wsprintf(Output: PChar; Format: PChar): Integer; cdecl; varargs;
  external user32 name {$IFDEF UNICODE}'wsprintfW'{$ELSE}'wsprintfA'{$ENDIF};

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  S: String;
  SetLength(S, 1024); // wsprintf can work only with max. 1024 characters
  SetLength(S, wsprintf(PChar(S), '%s %03d', 'Hallo', 3));