Top "Delegation" questions

A delegate is a type that references a method

Composition vs. Delegation

Is there any difference in terms of implementation as how a composition design can be different from delegation. For example …

composition delegation
jQuery .on() and .delegate() doesn't work on iPad

If you try this snippet on desktop, everything works. Whenever you try it on iPad, it won't do anything. Simple .…

javascript jquery ipad delegation
Method delegation in python

I'm writing a small framework for orchestrating AWS clusters and there are some common hierarchical patterns that appear over and …

python python-2.7 reflection delegation message-passing
ASP.Net web application trying to use Impersonation and Delegation to connect to SQL Server

I'm trying to use Impersonation and Delegation in an intranet ASP.Net web-app in order to pass authenticated users' credentials … iis-7 kerberos delegation
Kerberos, delegation and how to do this correctly?

I've got two separate homemade applications that need to communicate among themselves. One is a frontend application ( actually), …

kerberos delegation
How can a method's Javadoc be copied into other method's Javadoc?

I know that there is @inheritDoc, but it's only for methods which override others. I have several classes with many …

java javadoc delegation
Delegation and Data Source iOS

I have been learning about Delegation and Data Sources for iOS programming and need to ask, is there any differences …

ios delegation
Delegating events to a parent view in Backbone

My view, TuneBook, has several child views of type ClosedTune. I also have separate full page views for each tune, …

javascript model-view-controller events backbone.js delegation
How do I configure IIS so that the user's domain credentials are used when connecting to SQL server?

We've recently released the latest version of our intranet application, which now uses windows authentication as standard, and needs to … impersonation kerberos delegation
When to use Ruby DelegateClass instead of SimpleDelegator? (DelegateClass method vs. SimpleDelegator class)

Probably i am missing something simple, but i do not understand how to use Ruby's DelegateClass method, i mean when …

ruby design-patterns delegation