Top "Deflate" questions

deflate is a lossless data compression format, and also refers to implementations that compress to the deflate format.

How to "deflate" a ViewStub?

So I can inflate a ViewStub at runtime. Let's say I want to make it disappear and then maybe inflate …

android deflate inflate viewstub
GZIPOutputStream: Increase compression level does not provide a constructor argument or a setter for the compression level of its underlying …

java compression deflate
Is there a GZIP merger that merges two GZIP files without decompressing them?

Let's say there's a.gz, and b.gz. $ gzip_merge a.gz b.gz -output c.gz I'd like to …

merge gzip deflate
DeflateStream doesnt work on MemoryStream?

I have the following piece of code: MemoryStream resultStream = new MemoryStream(); string users = ""//Really long string goes here BinaryFormatter bFormatter = …

c# serialization memorystream deflate binary-serialization
Enable mod_deflate to send Content-Encoding: gzip

EDIT I have found that the problem is actually php minify. This was sending the deflated content instead of Apache. …

apache deflate mod-deflate
Implementing permessage-deflate in WebSockets

I hava a problem understanding and implementing a permessage-deflate extension in WebSockets. So far, I have added 'Sec-WebSocket-Extensions: permessage-deflate' inside …

javascript websocket compression deflate inflate
how to put fontawesome inside cache using htaccess

I use google speed for optimizing my website, and it tell me to put in cache font awesome. I have …

.htaccess caching font-awesome cache-control deflate
Apache mod_deflate not compressing json output

I've followed all the steps in multiple tutorials to enable mod_deflate in Apache but I'm still not seeing compression (…

php apache httpd.conf deflate mod-deflate
zlib inflate decompression operation

I have a data buffer which contains multiple compressed members, it could be deflate or zlib compressed member. I found …

c++ zlib inflate deflate
Best zip compression level for JSON or text files?

Has anyone performed some tests (size and speed) for the selection of the 'best' compression level of the Java zip …

json compression zip deflate