Top "Decode" questions

To convert some encoded data (e.g. bytes, electrical signals) to some representation ready for further processing (e.g. string, object, picture)

Decoding double encoded utf8 in Python

I've got a problem with strings that I get from one of my clients over xmlrpc. He sends me utf8 …

python string utf-8 decode
Is there a faster way to decode html characters to a string than Html.fromHtml()?

I am using Html.fromHtml(STRING).toString() to convert a string that may or may not have html and/or …

android html string decode html-entities
MP3 Decoding on Android

We're implementing a program for Android phones that plays audio streamed from the internet. Here's approximately what we do: Download …

android mp3 decode android-ndk
Error while upgrading pip: UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte

I've just installed python on windows 10, and I'm trying to upgrade pip. My windows user name has hebrew charecters... When …

python windows utf-8 pip decode
decoding shift-jis: "illegal multibyte sequence"

I'm trying to decode a shift-jis encoded string, like this: string.decode('shift-jis').encode('utf-8') to be able to …

python encoding hex decode shift-jis

I have an action like this: <%=Html.ActionLink("My_link", "About", "Home", new RouteValueDictionary { { "id", "Österreich" } }, null)%> This … url decode
Compressed JS Decoder This is site is very nice for compressing JS but I want to decode.... …

javascript decode jscompress
Swift encoding/decoding images for JSON

I'm kinda new to swift and i need some help with encoding some image, putting it in a JSON and …

ios json swift decode encode
Compress Videos using android MediaCodec api

I want to compress locally saved video file to a smaller size in order to upload to a server. Since …

android compression decode encode android-mediacodec
Android MediaCodec decode h264 raw frame

I am using Android MediaCodec API to decode h264 frames. I could decode and render the frames on the view. …

android decode android-mediacodec